Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tamoxifen Vs Radiation 2010


Coan Gomez is who signs the novel that I bring you today. "Puk Number" is one of those books that I like to discover: author English, Madrid in particular, and little known ... yet.

"Puk Number" begins with a kidnapping, that of an important and wealthy businessman knows that when invisible becomes a potential criminal, who has spent years killing and going away with their crimes. And whose relatives and friends are an exemplary husband and father. Everything was going great until a certain point in your life wakes up in a basement somewhere in the world, with signs of having been drugged and injured with a cut in the body. At that very moment you wake began his real torture at the hands of her abductor.

And here I will tell ... It gives me this novel will be talking about, I'm not all that the start will be able to read the descriptions that follow hard on most pages. Realistic descriptions of killings, torture, mistreatment and abuse, both sexual and psychological. For persons of both sexes and ages. Stories very raw but I insist bear a greater reality in his descriptions that come to give chills. To me that was how hard the novel: the knowledge that there really are people like that, that's not fiction. It is a short but intense novel, with much realism in the way of narration. And it's a hard novel to me, nevertheless, it seemed spectacular. I liked it. All

Against: the many faults of spelling (no accents in general) and a typo and syntax error for the 90 pages that has the novel. Clearly remedied in a second edition.

You can get this book in the website of the publisher: OBLIQUE EDITIONS

Here you have the booktrailer and the book blog.

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