Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Most Reliable Washer E Dryer

born each day trip to Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico

'm originally from Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico and traveled on Sunday afternoon of Sunday, April 10, 2011, the trip takes about 6 hours in a line AEXA transport, because that is stopping at at least 5 times, in different towns.

The idea of \u200b\u200bgoing is because a friend needed a witness to his marriage, I will gladly accept to be part of the story of his life, other than he needed to go to Tuxtla, that still need to know how the proposed work BIODIESEL there in Tuxtla, Chiapas, for which apparently it is a fact that I work, after almost 4 months without a job.
not for this time do not have time to meditate and take the opportunity to visit my friends, live with them and to reason apart every aspect of my life calmly.

That, I write all this is very simple ... all have momentary lapses of breaks in life, some more time with others with less time but in the end every one of us human beings that inhabit the land we have our moments of "rest" because in one way or another define our roads and we think we will go for the rest of our lives.
I think ... as they say of the necessary evils ... because if not the critical situation here in Mexico on working ... have never gone through this episode in which I have been out of work, but either way I appreciate, because of the opportunity to visit with my friends and family, and very little else that is valued in these times of global hustle, which only unfolds matter how radioactivity in Japan, fighting in Libya and its authoritarianism, I have hope in God that some day the war to cease and humanity to change its way of thinking, but also it is very unlikely to happen, arguing the way things are human beings and their interests .. unlikely to see at some point in my time (life) will be a change ... but of course I'm hopeful that one day after my time, someone will read this and say that someone in a different era and wrote these words in this digital age through a medium like blogs, where we share ideas and thoughts, what will happen someday. I know ... I'm sure ... I repeat "I believe in human nobility"


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