Friday, September 4, 2009

Waldorf Doll Problems

Always On Your Side (Ch # 2)

Hehe as I qe alguiien tiiene eager to read the novel ... pss dejenmee rose sig. ... Just to cap it;)
:) Enjoy it! (: Unknown: "Hello Said a friendly voice.

I was startled and did not expect someone to talk to me ... then turned around ... it was my friend Hector.
Me: "Hi!

Me: "How are you?

Hector: "Well," - I replied excited for some reason which I know

Hector: "You knew what Tokio Hotel?" I wonder ... (Now I knew that was the reason why I was so happy, Marcos also likes Tokio Hotel.)

Me: "Oh! Sii ... - I said almost as excited as him.

Hector: "You think to register?

Me:-Sipi, I thought it as I got home-(I said a little desperate because my dad arrived.)

Hector: "You know-(He excited)-If I win I will take you no doubt-

Me: "And if I win I'll take you ...

Hector:" But for you and two friends @ s, who else take it? Well if you want to ... -

Me: "Humm ... - (I said thoughtfully as he had not thought about it)-do not know ... probably some of my friends- Hector:" Oh! Ok ... - (said to casually) 100212sternbillkaulitzm Me: "And you are already a member? - Hector: - Yeah! - (Said very excited)

Me: - Oh! Nice! - (I answered as I watched my dad about one block) Llegué a casa, saludé a mi mamá y me fui directamente a mi cuarto a encender la computadora para entrar a la pagina de internet en la que tenía que inscribirme, entonces lo hice, entré, puse todos mis datos y entré en el concurso. Tenía que tener en cuenta que había miles y miles de personas quienes querían ganar ese concurso para conocer a Tokio Hotel en persona y que mi posibilidad de ganarlo sería uno en un millón pero tenía que intentarlo así que me inscribí.

Era sábado, fin de semana, faltaban tan solo pocos días para el concurso y yo ya no podía esperar mas, el Thursday announce the results on television, and Saturday of next week we go to meet Tokio Hotel, (Well if they won) so I was very anxious to know if it was me who won.

That day I could not think of anything else other than the competition, which would be very soon and I was very worried, then I realized that I could be like this all the time, so I called my friends to get together at my house.

As they arrived I went to take a bath to relax and think about something else other than the competition, then I started thinking about my conversation with Hector and I wondered who would take him. Surely lead to Hugo, they are always together at recess to talk, but ... on the other hand is also Jimy, it was always spent talking with him in the room, well, whoever they are ... the two I fall very well.

My mom rushed me out because my friends had already arrived. I shut off the water, came out dried myself and got the clothes he had brought to use. When they left the bathroom in my room were already talking as I left.

I-: Hi, Do not expect this so soon!

All: "Hi! Valeria
"And we did not expect you to go to tardarte an eternity in the bathroom, haha-(They all laughed, including me)
Me: "Well, just had things to think about-(My smile disappeared from my face)
Ivannia:" Then what? ... I signed up?
Me: "Siii! - (The smile returned to me!)-I already did! Saira
: "And when will it be?
Me: "Thursday will say who won
Nadia:" Well ... I wish you all the luck in the world-(All nodded)
Me: "Thanks!
Ivannia I noticed that he had noticed I had a guitar in the corner of my room (an acoustic and electric)
Ivannia: "Your play?
Me: "Yes! ... I like playing the songs of my heroes
Ivannia:" That good! ... You could touch us something?
Me: "Sure!
Then I started playing my favorite song of Tokio Hotel, while I started to sing them were surprised at me ... until I finished the song .... Kiitos the look of the guitar to turn to see my friends ... and they were all with her mouth momenttos abiierta ... after they closed and I applauded ...


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