Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How Long Should A Circle Scarf Be


ever thought it would be like life, if differently?

Yes, indeed! It is assumed that little is known about life and how little we know tells us that life is sometimes unfair, in others, justice is done and in other more wonderful things happen as a birth or happiness of some event that makes us very happy and return to trust him to life and justice. Then
believe! That life is unfair or fair? It just depends on the approach to be given.
If we could count the times that life has been fair or unfair, only a mathematician could make a rough estimate, and they know who told me life!, that simply should have equal proportions, that's just life is so famous for creating the balance that is so difficult to accept but easy to follow and understand.
For some, life is work, for others it is money and for still others, is a person you love and who would be willing to give his life.
prefer to think that life is a set of things that allow us to understand the magnitude of our actions, and today I am something important tomorrow may be part of the problem ... so again depends on the approach to be given. "Because no one looks at one place" .. and when they do not always is for something good.


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