Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How Long Should A Circle Scarf Be


ever thought it would be like life, if differently?

Yes, indeed! It is assumed that little is known about life and how little we know tells us that life is sometimes unfair, in others, justice is done and in other more wonderful things happen as a birth or happiness of some event that makes us very happy and return to trust him to life and justice. Then
believe! That life is unfair or fair? It just depends on the approach to be given.
If we could count the times that life has been fair or unfair, only a mathematician could make a rough estimate, and they know who told me life!, that simply should have equal proportions, that's just life is so famous for creating the balance that is so difficult to accept but easy to follow and understand.
For some, life is work, for others it is money and for still others, is a person you love and who would be willing to give his life.
prefer to think that life is a set of things that allow us to understand the magnitude of our actions, and today I am something important tomorrow may be part of the problem ... so again depends on the approach to be given. "Because no one looks at one place" .. and when they do not always is for something good.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How Much Do Cameras Cost In J C Pennys


The other day said, in a conversation I had with my immediate boss, about the whereabouts of the Maya, on a possible theory, where do they go?, First of all explained that he had superior knowledge to normal since this demonstrated that the buildings are in addition to sophisticated TAS attributed the invention of zero, something that Arabs had still not been able to add to the numbers, there are separate mural paintings in the ruins of Bonampak in Chiapas State contained paints made from lapis lazuli, fragmented to nanometer-sized particles, then the question arises as possible who have created these particles as tiny and have a calendar so accurate that speak of cycles.

To explain that in reality after the Maya, are actually the remnants of a civilization called Atlantis and simply went to another dimension unknown. explained as follows.

According to data from the legends tell of the existence of Atlantis which date back thousands of years ago when primates roamed the Neanderthals and which made a mix for modern man for this reason there is no missing link and as the scriptures said the woman made the man's rib, then the woman simply cloned from cells of man, for the chromosomes to create only required XX.
Then the day that some ATLANTE was mixed with the daughters of man says it again the scriptures that the angels were beautiful and mixed, spawning monsters, of which we heard mentioned yet such as Bigfoot or the Snowman . God our Father
then flooded the earth to end the aforementioned pair paradise and remove all traces of humanoid turned d ela Atlanta mixture of humans and for this reason left to scholars in different locations to rank the thoughts of the man who stayed of this destruction and these original wise ATLANTIS lived for many years until the human race had the knowledge necessary to survive on their own.
For this reason all cultures there are many similarities in the stories of the demigods who created cultures of faith in India, speak of a being born of a virgin mother as well as the birth of Jesus. and other cases, I do not remember now.
All this indicates the existence of a superior to the current knowledge that has stayed with the hope that one day come again those beings who gave us the ancient knowledge.
For this reason it is impossible to know for sure what has happened with previous generations of our ancestors. Hello

Friday, July 2, 2010

Top Gun Flight Suit Patches

Hi! :)

dear reader ... k I hope you read this you realize that my writings are just thoughts I have in life.
Although often all I think it my paractica not always work, but I think we all have a method or system to follow ...